Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Safety Pin Bracelets

This is a craft that is all over the web, and kids just love.  And for good reason, they are really cool!  I have had many adults want to learn how to make them, too!
What you will need:
Safety pins (about 84 per bracelet)
Beads that will fit on the pins
some small plates or bowls

What to do:
Divide the pins in half, and fill half of them with beads.  Some people then put a dab of glue on the pins to keep them form accidentally opening.  I don't do this, and I have never had any trouble.

Cut a piece of elastic to be about twice as long as you want your bracelet to be plus a little extra for tying.  (About 13 or 14 inches)
Fold the elastic in half and tape the folded end to the table.  This way you have two strands to string.
To string:
Add a beaded pin by putting the elastic through the holes at either end of the pin.  The beads should be on the top side with the pin cap to the right. 
The next pin should have the pin cap to the left, and the opening part (with no beads) down.
This way you alternate pins with beads and pins without beads. 
After you have all your pins strung, untape carefully, cut the U in the elastic, and tie the ends together.
There are many alternatives, such as making a pattern with your beads, or stringing a larger bead between each safety pins instead of empty pins.
I will try to get some pictures of this up soon, but remember, you can always do a Google Image search for safety pin bracelets.

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